Here's to the lorry drivers, keeping the country moving!

Oct 27 2021 9:55AM

Here's to the lorry drivers, keeping the country moving!

National Lorry Week highlights the vital and often-overlooked role that the logistics industry plays in our lives every day. It runs from October 25th to 31st.

We’re showcasing the huge variety of careers logistics has to offer and we’re encouraging young people, and anyone who may be considering a new challenge, to think about joining the next generation of drivers, managers, and technicians.

We’re also asking people to show their appreciation for the sector; after all, nearly everything we buy or use has spent time on the back of a lorry.

National Lorry Week is the perfect time to champion logistics as an innovative, inclusive and sustainable industry full of amazing opportunities.

Logistics is the industry that manages how resources are acquired, stored and transported to their destination. It’s the lifeblood of business in the UK. Nearly everything we buy has at some point been handled by several logistics professionals – from producer to warehouse operative, to the distributor, delivery driver and others in-between.

Many people see logistics as ‘just’ moving goods from a factory and warehouse to the shops or door, but that’s only a part of it. There are countless roles that support the logistics process and we’ll be finding out about them during the campaign.

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