Keep your team safe and your business on-track

Feb 9 2021 9:25AM

Keep your team safe and your business on-track

COVID-19 has brought a lot of uncertainty into our lives, but there’s one simple way we can get a bit more clarity. Workplace COVID testing.

It’s easier than you might think and can bring real benefits to your business. The rapid antigen is 99.3% accurate and can be stored at room temperature. Performance compared to molecular PCR methods is excellent. Just fifteen minutes after a convenient nasal swab, you’ll know if a team member needs to self-isolate or whether they’re virus-free and safe to keep working.

That knowledge is a real bonus. You’ll know if you need to step up your hygiene or social distancing measures. You’ll know if certain departments are more prone to infection. And because you’ll be able to test both your staff and any contractors coming onto site, you’ll be able to minimise any risk of transmission. You could even set up your own in-house version of test and trace.

You might have had more cases in your business than you needed to. You might have scaled back productivity because of the lack of certainty. You might have had to turn down orders or even disappoint a regular customer, but a quick, easy-to-use test could have helped to keep your business on track.

Let’s get you back to work.

To find out more, give us a call or click here.